DS 49001 certification, Bureau Veritas

DS 49001

Become certified by DS 49001 Social Responsibility

Bureau Veritas Denmark A/S

The DS 49001-standard is a management system for corporate social responsibility focusing on sustainable business processes and maintaining a documented effort on the area. The management system is built up around the company’s objectives and ensures that the company meets the strict requirements in several areas:

  • Good management
  • Human rights
  • Work environment
  • Environmental relationships
  • Good business practice
  • Consumer conditions
  • Local community development and involvement

The DS 49001-standard is based on an interpretation of ISO 26000, which is an international guiding standard. The standard is particularly adapted to Danish conditions and challenges.

the Benefits of an DS 49001 certification

  • Documented, systematic and ambitious CSR effort
  • Concrete tools to work with your CSR activities
  • Strong positioning on the market, trust and credibility
  • Constructive cooperation with your subcontractors
  • Attract, retain and motivate the most talented employees
  • The standard includes the same requirements as in the standards, quality, environment, working environment and EMAS (environment)

Do you need help?

Contact us through the link below or contact Peter Worck, Sales- & Training Manager, directly at +45 2250 6708 or peter.worck@bureauveritas.com.