GLobal Gap certification, Bureau Veritas

Global Gap

Become certified by Global Gap

Bureau Veritas Denmark A/S

For food producers today, there is a constant challenge to grow safe, healthy products in a responsible way. New pressures from consumers, retailers and legislation have placed new demands on farmers and growers. They are increasingly required to use production techniques that reduce the impact of farming on the environment (land and sea), to reduce their use of chemicals, and to make efficient use of natural resources, while safeguarding the welfare of both workers, farm animals and sea life. Being able to show a commitment to good agricultural/aquaculture practices has become essential for accessing the market.

GLOBAL GAP is an internationally recognized set of farm standards dedicated to Good Agricultural Practices (GAP). Through certification, producers demonstrate their adherence to GLOBAL GAP standards. For consumers and retailers, the GLOBAL GAP certificate is reassurance that food reaches accepted levels of safety and quality, and has been produced sustainably, respecting the health, safety and welfare of workers, the environment, and in consideration of animal welfare issues. Without such reassurance, farmers may be denied access to markets. Bureau Veritas Denmark A/S understands all these issues and can perform the necessary audits to help you achieve GLOBAL GAP Certification.

The benefits of a global gap certification

  • Demonstrate to clients (retailers, product traders, importers) that your product is produced using good agricultural/fish farming practices
  • Inspire consumer confidence
  • Ensure access to your markets
  • Enhance operating efficiency and competitive market appeal
  • Implement processes for continual improvement
  • Reduce the number of second party inspections to farms as more major retailers accept the scheme

Do you need help?

Contact us through the link below or contact Peter Worck, Sales- & Training Manager, directly at +45 2250 6708 or