DS 21001 certification, Bureau Veritas

DS 21001

Become certificed according to DS 21001, supplier to infrastructure managers, etc.

Bureau Veritas Denmark A/S

Instead of the current requirements for railway safety, Banedanmark is going to write in  future procurements and contracts that contractors have to live up to the standard. The contractor can then either be certified by an independent certification body or in another way show to Banedanmark that they live up to the standard.

The standard for railway safety of contractors is based on existing management system standards. This makes the integration with other management system standards easier for contractors who already use e.g. ISO 9001 (quality management), ISO 45001 (occupational health & safety management system) or ISO 14001 (environmental management system).

The standard aims at covering the requirements safety certified railway companies and safety approved infrastructure managers must stipulate to contractors according to statutory order 147 and its future replacement.

The advantages of a DS 21001 certification

The advantages of implementing a management system based on this standard are:

  • The company ensures a railway safety that lives up to requirements from infrastructure owners and managers and relevant legal requirements from authorities when carrying out the tasks.
  • The company addresses risks and opportunities based on its scope, conditions and goals.
  • The company achieves a third party certification by demonstrating compliance with the specified requirements of the management system. 

Do you need help?

Contact us through the link below or contact Peter Worck, Sales- & Training Manager, directly at +45 2250 6708 or peter.worck@bureauveritas.com.