Nyhed omkring, konkrete værktøjer og sparring til dine interne audits, Bureau Veritas

Tangible tools and professional feedback in connection with your internal audits

Dec. 19 2022

"This training is a fine combination of theory and practice," our course participants often say at our internal auditor courses. Every time we are delighted to hear this as it is important for us that the training is practical with the opportunity to test your new knowledge in practice.

“Therefore, we combine theory with role play in small groups where you can try to audit a management system”, tells the instructor Karsten Lindhardt: "At this course we spend a lot of time on investigating audit techniques and audit methods. And we make role plays of different situations where you try to carry out an audit yourself and receive feedback of your presentation so you can use the practice directly in your own company subsequently."

"The construction of the role play works very well as it is based on an actual company which the instructor knows very well, and we could prepare the audit in teams and thus discuss it," tells a course participant at
Internal Auditor Quality

Suitable for the experienced as well as the less experienced

“The role play makes the course suitable for the experienced as well as the less experienced auditor”, emphasises our instructor Susanne Lykkeberg: "Everybody can participate in the Internal Auditor training as it is not only a question of theory. We focus a lot on testing audits in practice." She continues: "We often work in teams so the participants can support each other – we put together teams in which participants can help each other reach their goals."

“The varied experience is what strengthens the participants professional feedback to each other”, adds the instructor Jens Buus Lassen: "Many of the experienced auditors actually find it fruitful to be together with the less experienced auditors as everybody contributes to the team. That’s why we deliberately place the experienced auditors together with the less experienced so make sure both parties benefit."

The course participants agree: "The best part of the training is the nice atmosphere where we had an opportunity to discuss concrete and relevant subjects regarding internal audits and our role as auditors", a participant at Internal Auditor Quality training elaborates.

At Bureau Veritas we offer Inspiration seminars, Internal Auditor training and Lead Auditor training within several areas. Find much more inspiration about our 
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Zanne Johnsson
Senior Training Coordinator I&F
Phone: +45 2076 6585