Press release

“Restart Your Business with BV” Bureau Veritas står til rådighed, hvis du har brug for hjælp til at genstarte din forretning under de rette sundheds- og sikkerhedsforanstaltninger - inden for alle brancher

apr. 27 2020

Bureau Veritas, verdensledende inden for test-, inspektions- og certificeringsydelser, har udviklet en pakke af løsninger, der kan hjælpe virksomheder i alle størrelser, når de ønsker at genstarte deres aktiviteter.

Didier Michaud-Daniel, Chief Executive Officer, siger:

"The priority for all companies is to get back to work as quickly as possible and with appropriate health, safety and hygiene conditions for their employees and their clients. Building on 200 years of expertise in risk management, Bureau Veritas has developed a suite of solutions to meet the needs of all sectors of the economy as they reopen for business.

Companies and public authorities with facilities open to the public need to demonstrate to their customers and users the implementation of the required protective measures. Companies in the industrial, construction and services sectors need to be able to protect their employees when they are back at work, whether on site or in their offices.

Our geographical presence in 140 countries and unrivalled experience in certification processes are considerable assets as they enable us to provide companies, public authorities and society as a whole with our services and our in-depth knowledge of local specificities and regulations.”

“Restart Your Business with BV” er udviklet i samarbejde med en række eksperter og interessenter, og det er Bureau Veritas’ mål at:

  • sikre, at de sundheds-, sikkerheds- og hygiejneprocedurer, man indfører ved genåbningen af sin virksomhed, lever op til lokale og internationale bestemmelser og ”best practice”.
  • bekræfte, at de fastlagte procedurer opfylder virksomhedens særlige behov, og at de bliver implementeret effektivt.
  • levere en certificering eller en overensstemmelsesmærkning på baggrund af vores rolle som en troværdig, uafhængig tredjepart.

“Restart Your Business with BV” er udviklet til at adressere risici alle steder, hvor mennesker bor og arbejder - fra byggepladser og fabrikker til kontorer, hoteller, restauranter, forretninger og offentlige institutioner.

“ More than ever, our role as an expert, independent third party is crucial to creating the conditions for trust in this restart period”, tilføjer Didier Michaud-Daniel. “ Bureau Veritas is committed to deploy all efforts to protect the health and safety of your employees and customers.”

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